neuroConn LOOP-IT*
LOOP-IT* is a versatile hardware platform, specifically engineered for conducting scientific closed-loop experiments and facilitating multichannel stimulation. It is designed to achieve a reduced and consistent delay, with a target of approximately 1 millisecond, between the stages of data acquisition, subsequent analysis, and the derivation of parameters for actuators. It's important to note that while the platform is aimed at providing this level of performance, actual delays may vary based on specific experimental setups and conditions.
Research Note: The platform is intended for use in a research context, and its applicability in other practical settings should be evaluated with caution.

LOOP-IT*: precise, ultra fast, modular, easy to use
Generic hardware platform for versatile experiments
The closed-loop device is equipped with several advanced features designed to support research applications. These include transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), temporal interference stimulation, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation, facilitated by our newly developed constant current sources. It also features synchronized modules that operate independently yet in harmony, offering a range of functionalities. These functionalities encompass EEG/EP/ECG/EMG biosignal acquisition, multichannel digital I/O compatible with both tES and TMS, an interface for active electrodes, and a sensor interface for non-electrical biosignals.
The closed loop device supports a number of state-of-the-art features, including tES, temporal interference stimulation, neuromuscular electrical stimulation by our new constant current sources, synchronized electrically independent modules with different functionalities in combination, such as EEG / EP / ECG / EMG biosignal acquisition, multichannel digital I/O for tES and TMS, interface for active electrodes, sensor interface for non-electrical biosignals.
neuroConn LOOP-IT* supports the combination of electrically independent modules with different functionality:
- EEG / ECG / EMG biosignal acquisition (up to 1 ksps)
- tDCS / tACS / tRNS current sources (low noise, < 5 mApp, < 5 kHz bandwidth)
- multichannel digital I/O (e. g. for tES and TMS) interface for electrodes
- sensor interface for non-electrical biosignals (e. g. pressure, breathing, blood flow, temperature)
- evoked potential and display interface (e. g. for feedback applications)
Based on a real-time data processing platform
- all modules run synchronized
- simultaneous read/write-access to all modules
- jitter-free data transceiving
- loop delay can be set down to 100 μs
Direct access to hardware parameters via supplied library (Python)
Medical-grade hardware design
Standard interface and compact design

LOOP-IT*: all-in-one solution that sets new standards in neuroscience research lab equipment
Real-time system for physiological oscillation phase-dependent stimulation
A system designed to facilitate state-dependent and closed-loop controlled experiments. This system is engineered to achieve a stable turnaround time, typically within the range of 1-3 ms, though actual performance may vary based on experimental conditions.
- Data Acquisition: Capable of acquiring ExG (EEG, ECG, EMG) data and 3-axis acceleration, with a 24-bit resolution at a 1 kHz sampling rate.
- Data Analysis: Processes data for amplitude, frequency, latency, and phase analysis.
- Modulation Control: Enables modulation through control or trigger mechanisms for tES (transcranial electrical stimulation), NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation), and TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation).
New Current Source Modules for Enhanced Stimulation:
Our recently developed current source modules have expanded the range of electrical stimulation parameters for electrophysiology modulation. These modules provide:
- Transcranial Stimulation: Up to ±5 mA (below 5 kHz) with low 1/f noise, designed for use in combined tES and electrophysiological measurements.
- Peripheral Stimulation: Capable of high-power stimulation up to ±40 mA at high speed, with pulse lengths up to 1 ms, and constant current applications up to ±15 mA.
- Synchronization Capabilities: Facilitates synchronization between transcranial and peripheral stimulation in a single unit, enabling the pairing of current sources.
Conventional applications on TMS
- EMG Collection: For MEP (Motor Evoked Potential) investigations during TMS, with readout capabilities on M1 (primary motor cortex).
- ECG Collection: For heart rate (HR) investigations during TMS, with readout on DLPFC (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex).
- EEG Collection: For TEPP (TMS-Evoked Potential) investigations during TMS, allowing readout across the whole brain.
Utilization of NIBS (2x tES):
- Temporal Interference Stimulation: Targeting deep brain structures by controlling the electric fields for maximum amplitude modulation.
Combination of NIBS & NMES (1x tES, 1x NMES):
- Phase-Dependent Modulation: Investigating the associative pairing of transcranial and neuromuscular stimulation (tES & NMES) to modulate human corticospinal plasticity.
neuroConn closed-loop solutions for researchers
Simultaneous non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) combined with EEG has contributed to enhancing our understanding of the effects of NIBS at both local and network levels, as well as the functional significance of brain oscillations. The impact of NIBS can vary based on individual parameters like intensity, frequency, and phase. Brain state-dependent NIBS offers researchers the ability to adjust these parameters, potentially influencing brain activity with notable temporal and spectral precision. It is important to note that the effects and outcomes of NIBS can vary and ongoing research is essential to fully understand its capabilities and limitations.
This hardware platform is designed to support scientific closed-loop experiments. It aims to provide a minimized and consistent delay between data acquisition, analysis, event detection, and the application of derived parameters to the output module (e.g., current source). It's important to emphasize that the use of this platform should be within the scope of scientific research.
Items marked with* are investigational devices and for research use only. CAUTION - Investigational Device. Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use.