This fourth international meeting, organized by Elsevier and sponsored by and integrated with the journal Brain Stimulation, continues in the tradition of the prior highly successful meetings – the first meeting was held in Singapore in 2015, then, Barcelona in 2017 and most recently Vancouver in 2019. Currently, there are single theme meetings around the world that that are either technique or profession based or that limit the science of neuromodulation in other ways.
The field of brain stimulation continues to undergo remarkable growth. Brain stimulation methods are rapidly transforming research on brain mechanisms, from the molecular to the behavioral, and offer new approaches to therapeutics for brain disorders. In many ways, the field of brain stimulation represents a paradigm shift, augmenting and sometimes supplanting the dominant psychopharmacological approaches of the past several decades.
This meeting will continue the successful multidisciplinary broad approach of the prior meetings. Basic scientists will attend lectures by engineers and psychiatrists. Cognitive neuroscientists will mingle with neurosurgeons and brain modelling physicists. This fertile cross-disciplinary meeting will provide opportunity to discuss the science that is driving advances in this field.
4th International Brain Stimulation Conference 2021 will be held in person in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina, USA. The venue will facilitate in-person networking and great discussion about the latest advances and controversies in this rapidly progressing field.
Jali Medical is attending this event at Booth 38.
Items marked with* are investigational devices and for research use only. CAUTION - Investigational Device. Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use.